I am Ali, 34, mother of three. Two boys ages 7 and 5 and a little girl, 10 months old.
I am a Speech Pathologist. I work in a special education school for children with varying degrees of autism and behavior disabilities. I work September though June and am off the summers.
DH is in the restaurant business. He works alot!
So there's my background. DH has been working 2 to 3 days out of state for the last month and a half. It wasn't so bad when the kids were at school and I was at work. Life continued as usual.
This summer we were lucky to take a family vacation the first week of July. It was the first time in years that we spent a full week together. It was wonderful!
Now that we have returned, it's back to reality. I KNOW it's not easy to be at home all day long with the rugrats. However, can't these kids give it a rest! My days consists of fighting about Wii time, who hit who, and trying to get everyone out of the house in less than 45 minutes to food shop. Did I mention the girl is teething?
FUN! (Do you hear the sarcasm in my voice?)
This morning started as every morning does. The peanut girl is up at 7. Then the boys wake up and start asking to play video games. I lost it!
Can't they wake up smiling?
Where is the "Hi Mom, did you have a good sleep?" or "Let's eat breakfast outside? Let's go to the beach." Nooooooooooo!
"I want to play the Wii!"
Why did "Santa" get them this again? What was "she" thinking!
Insert my freak out here
Thank GOD for VBS. The church down the block is having camp for 9:30 to 12. All I want is for these kids to get out of the house for a bit, learn a little about Jesus and have some activity in the day (that I am not in charge of.)
I was almost dancing in the registration line. The boys were happy. They recognized some friends. And I took a drive to Starbucks for a Iced Venti Skinny Vanilla Latte for free (I had a coupon) and only 160 calories. Did I mention that the peanut girl was sleeping? I truly believe that the clouds have parted and the angels in Heaven are singing.
So there is a little about me, my Monday freakout.
Wait, I forgot to add my weight for today.
As of 7/25, I am down 0 pounds.
I totally pigged out this weekend. And I don't care.
I am starting my diet again today.
Happy Monday Friends!
Anyone else have a freakout they want to share?
Don't be shy! This is a judgement free zone! :)
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