Fifteen minutes later, another colleague shared that a second plane hit the other Tower. I was thoroughly confused. Reports starting surfacing that these were intended attacks. One of my friends put a radio on and we learned about the 3rd plane going down.
The United States was under attack?!
Immediately I called my fiance (at the time). He was running a restaurant in the city. He was uptown and immediately booked a hotel room (he knew he wasn't getting out of the city that night). I immediately took a count of all my family and friends in the city that day. My brother was in the city as well numerous friends and cousins, who worked at the trade center.
I spent the following hours trying to get in touch with family and friends. This was before EVERYONE was so cell-phone accessible and at some point during the day cell service was lost completely. I watched parents pick their children up from school. They weren't sure how to explain the tragedy to their children. Many other parents were stuck in the city and could not be contacted. Some never returned home.
I stopped in a church on my way to my second school site. I cried and prayed. Others were there as well and they did the same.
The second school has a portable tv. One of the students signed a message to me, "Tall building, plane fly, crashed". His image stays in my mind to this day. There were 2 teachers in my program that had family members who were firefighters. They were in touch with them at the beginning of the rescue efforts and were assured they were safe. I could not get in touch with my brother and was terrified.
My mother and sister were home that morning and witnessed both towers fall. They spent the rest of the day in front of the tv. My mother spoke with every friend and family member who was in the city that day and they all returned home. She was not able to speak with my brother.
We had no contact with my brother until he arrived at home at 5:00 PM, 5 hours later than usual. We were so happy and relieved.
My two collegues lost their family members that morning. They were 3 of the many brave first responders that lost their lives that day.
My fiance stayed in the city that night. The restaurant he worked for had a site at 5 World Trade Center. They were evacuated and traveled uptown to my his store. There was no place to stay in NYC. People walked over bridges and tunnels to leave Manhattan.
I spent that evening into the early morning watching the rescue efforts of our brave men and women, hoping for survivors. I prayed there would be more.
I will never forget where I was the morning of September 11th. Where were you?
That day is definitely a day when time stood still for many. I too remember vividly where I was. I was at home and had just gotten up when I happened to flip on the news (something I rarely did) and suddenly there an announcement about a plane flying into the World Trade Center. I too was shocked. I watched live as the 2nd plane crashed and it is something I will never forget.
I'm a new fan! Thanks for stopping by the Midweek Hopalong! Hope to see you next week! :)
I was at work at the probation office getting ready for court. I'll never forget the panic, people racing to the phones, mothers crying because their kids were in the military and they knew what was coming, and my own fear knowing my brother was working in Boston and fearing that might be the next city targeted... I can't believe it's been 10 years. Feels like just yesterday...
Ali, thanks for the follow at Martha's Digital Creations. Following you back.
I may be the last person on Earth that found out we were under attack. When it was happening, I was in a car in Chicago returning home from Nevada. My parents and I don't turn on the radio. I found out at 4pm and was confused, then mortified, then cried later once I realized the full ramifications!
I hope to never forget! It was tragic but I am so proud of the American people that fought that day and have fought since
I wrote about it today...Seems like that is all I have thought about today...
and the stories on TV have brought back so many memories
definitely a day that defintes us as a generation, nation, and people -- i am contemplating my own blog post on this subject but at such a loss on how to convey it properly... your post was perfect!
thanks for the follow -- happily returning the favor!
Scary. I will never forget. The post about where I was 10 years ago is going up tomorrow. I still can't believe its been 10 years!
I'm a new follower from So Followed Saturday.
Hi! Trying to catch up on my Friday Blog Hops! Love this post...we all need to remember! Follow back @ and/or on facebook @
I was at work in a class. We were on a break when some of the class participants came running back to the room sharing the awful news. We shut down the class and watched the news the rest of the time. It was hard to believe it was actually happening.
Visiting you from voiceBoks. I'm enjoying your blog. Now a GFC follower as well.
Roz | The Savvy Mompreneur
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